
Let there be light!

Little did my parents know when they gave us a Lowe's gift card for Christmas, that installation would be included.
First a little background:Our basement was terribly dark and dingy, but so cool! When we first looked at the house we thought the house was really cool and probably still would have put an offer on it, but then we went to the basement...and we found a 1960's rec room complete with built in cabinets, a perfect alcove for our television, and a wet bar with pass-through window! We've put most of the furniture that occupied our living and dining rooms at our apartment into the basement (now known as Underground Grandma's-I'll explain below) to create a cool rec room vibe, and right now we spend a considerable amount of time down here. Which was fine, except it was really, really dark down here! There were three small florescent lights down here, which Greg named the epilepsy lights because they were constantly blinking and one small fixture, which was worst of all, in Husker Corner.
We purchased new fancy light fixtures a few weeks ago and when my parents were in town last weekend bringing my stuff from their basement, my dad installed and taught me how to install light fixtures.
The difference is unbelievably drastic. It's a real room down here now. Not just a dingy basement!

Before-with all the lights on I should point out:
(All the before pictures were taken by our wonderful Realtor Christopher Thiemet. Thanks, Christopher!)

Now (not quite ready for "After," but we're getting there):

So...Underground Grandma's is a reference to The Simpson's Episode Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky. When the documentary film maker asks Ralph Wiggum what he'll be doing in 7 years he says:

And for some reason Greg and I the decided that's what our basement/bar/rec room/lounge was going to be called. Go figure.
Underground Grandma sound bite

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