
I get my life back (for five weeks!)

So the first semester of grad school is over. For the next several weeks (school starts again on January 19th) we are going to get lots done around the house. Today the plan is to construct a new enclosure for Thor and Valkyrie- I'll upload pics when its done- and to work on the office. If Greg ever gets up that is.
We're going to start attacking the living/dining rooms once we get back from Christmas in Iowa. Carpet, drop ceilings, wallpaper, your days are numbered.
We got new, fancy laptops for Christmas so we'll upload lots of pictures because I know that's really what everyone wants to see.


Bear with us

Elena has been very busy with school, so there hasn't been much to report on lately, but with semester break coming up we hope to have lots of exciting new things to post about. Please bear with us.