I love having rabbits, and not just because people look at me like I have four heads when they find out that my husband and I have four rabbits instead of dogs and cats. They are each very unique and lovable in their own way. I wouldn't trade them the world!
Since we've moved into the new house, the rabbits have their own room. At the back of the house was a small sewing room for Mrs. M., but since we don't sew, it seemed like a good room for the buns. They have everything a rabbit could possibly want: a mini-fridge to keep lettuce, room for tubs full of hay, a gate to keep

out coyotes, a rug for people to sit on when they hang out, and a long,
carpeted hallway on the other side of
the gate that is great to run and jump
For the first several months, the
large rabbits had been sharing a
dog crate, which was half of the space they had at the apartment. (We called it the "rabbitat.") Finally, once the semester was over, I fashioned them a fancy new cage out of those cheap metal squares you use to make really bad bookshelves when you're in college. It turns our they make exceptional rabbit cages! It even has a loft where they can sit and admire their lovely new digs!

The little rabbits also live in the
Lagomorph Lounge. They live in more of a high rise condo than the larger rabbits do, which is fine with them because even though they are supposed to be bond mates, they aren't so sure about each other a lot of the time. This way they don't have to look at one another!
For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting our rabbits in person (in rabbit?) I thought I would do a quick primer on our furry children.
Thor is our mini-lop, although at almost 8

pounds, he's hardly mini! He has a bad attitude, but loves to have Greg or Elena rub behind his ears. He isn't a fan of people named Kevin though. Just doesn't trust them.

Valkyrie is Thor's bond mate. They've been together for close to
three years now. Vali is the opposite of Thor. Where he is aggresive she is sweet as can be, although she is also very timid when it comes to meeting new people. She can hold her own against Thor though when it comes to making sure she gets her share of treats!
Last September, following the confiscation of literally hundreds of animals

from a hoarder in southern Missouri, we were going to foster Odin,
but quickly fell completely in love with this tiny three pound rabbit and
decided that he had to live with us! Since then he's been nothing but sweet, but some of the damage of his previous life still shows. He is missing several toes and he is sometimes reclusive. He loves giving kisses and sitting on shoulders where he watches the world go by. Since we've moved into the house, he's started binkying (a bunny happy dance) and seems to be adjusting well.

We decided Odin needed a friend, so about a year ago we adopted Frigga. She is the youngest rabbit and loves to play. She throws her toys into her water bowl or out of the side of her cage. She loves to cuddle and be loved! She was a fabulous addition; now she and Odin just need to be friends!
We adopted everyone but Thor through the
Missouri House Rabbit Society, and have been so thankful with the information we've learned from them. People frequently think that rabbits are just large gerbils, but they take a lot of attention and love. They can live to be 12 years old. (Thor and Vali are both around five.) In order to live that long they need proper care and regular vet visits. (Which isn't cheap, they get charged a premium because they are "exotic.")
Our rabbits have adjusted to their new homes and hopefully will be unaware of everything else that's going on around them-like removing wallpaper. Tomorrow (hopefully) I'll write about my new toy: the wallpaper steamer!