
We really have the internet back!

Whoot, whoot! After far too long, we really are able to blog again! I've been storing up ideas in my head, so here is a forecast of what is to come:

  • I hate wallpaper: Seriously, who thought it was a good idea.

  • Wallpaper, be gone! Everyone has an opinion on how to remove it, and we have enough walls to try them all! (Also-three rooms have the same wallpaper pattern in different colors, pictures to come.)

  • The Rabbit Room, or the Lagomorph Lounge- the new home of the foursome.

  • The toilet-sink: you'll see.

  • The rockin' pantry: awe-some!

There were surely many more ideas that have been swimming around in my head, but that's enough to keep everyone interested for a while.

As we were moving out of the apartment we of course spiraled into the phase of throwing random stuff into boxes and garbage bags to try to get out of the apartment. We were in limbo for about two weeks while we moved everything from point A to point H. It's been a huge relief to be done with that part of the process.

As exciting as it is to be starting this phase, leaving the apartment was really hard. We'd lived there for 4 years, which is half of our relationship and really the entire "adult" stage of our relationship. It's like leaving fake adulthood to go to real adulthood. Greg almost had to drive the four blocks home after we handed over the keys to our landlord since the tears were streaming down my face. It really was a great apartment. Our landlords are actually going to be renting it to the woman who rented it before us. Crazy. She recently moved back to the area and asked if they had any apartments open because she'd loved her apartment, and they were able to tell her that her old apartment was actually going to be open.

So now, what you have surely all been waiting for:



  1. I am going to start making your blog a regular stop on my morning rounds, so you better start posting pictures and making progress!

  2. We'll do our best. I've been taking lots of pictures. My plan is to dole them out.
